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Dr Zear Ibrahim
Associate Lecturer (Education)

Wilfred Brown 203

Research area(s)

  • Assistive Technologies for Health Care Provision in Occupational Therapy
  • Computer Mediated Reality Technologies (CMRT) 
  • Computer Vision Theory & Algorithms with special interest in
    • Mobile Depth Sensing and Motion Tracking Devices
    • Convolutional Neural Networks
    • Convolution Masks & Difference Operators
    • Geometric 2D and 3D Image Interpolation
    • Object Detection, Measurement, Feature Map Extraction & Classification
  • Biometric Student Engagement & Attendance with special interest in
    • Supporting all levels of pedagogy
    • Natural Language Processing
    • CNN & HGO Based Face Recognition
    • Voice Analysis & Degradation
    • Open Authentication Standards (FIDO)


  • Ibrahim, Z. and Money, A. (2019) ''. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 90, 103102, pp. 1 - 22. doi: .

Research Interests

My research lies in the area of deploying Open-Sourced Computer-Vision (OpenCV) technologies through ubiquitous mobile devices to enable accurate, efficient and non-invasive health-care assistive technologies with older-adults. I focus on investigating and conceptualising current and prominent health-care provision methodologies aligned with the state of the art in CMRT as a tool that may better enable the digitization of manual or paper based methods in health-care provision, 

Research grants and projects

Project details

  • EPSRC DTP - 1819220