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Dr Victoria Barnes
Honorary Reader - Law School

Research area(s)

Victoria's legal research turns on issues in:

  • Contract law
  • Commercial law
  • Company law
  • Law, business and society
  • Women in the legal profession

Her work considers themes in business and management, such as:

  • Banking and finance
  • Business history
  • Corporate identity and branding
  • Organizational identity
  • Organizational memory and uses of the past

Research Interests

Victoria draws upon methods from law, management, economics and history in order to trace the growth of firms, the historical development of doctrines in business law, and to assess socio-economic drivers for wider legal change within areas of private law.

Research grants and projects


Women in Law Journals
Funder: British Academy
Duration: -

Project details

Victoria has long-term collaborative projects with Professor Lucy Newton (Henley Business School), Professor Amanda Perry-Kessaris (University of Kent), Professor David Sugarman (University of Lancaster) and Professor Sally Wheeler (Australian National University).