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Dr Simon Kent
Honorary Reader

Wilfred Brown Building 111


Kent, S. and Ahmi, A. (2013) ''. Managerial Auditing Journal, 28 (2). pp. 88 - 113. ISSN: 0268-6902

Journal article

McVean, A., Kent, S., Bakanov, A., Hobbs, T. and Anderson, R. (2012) ''. Genome Integrity, 3 (1). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 2041-9414

Journal article

Kent, S., Broadbent, P., Warren, N. and Gulliver, S. (2008) ''.IEEE 2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. Hannover, Germany. IEEE. pp. 1045 - 1048.

Conference paper

Ghinea, G., Kent, S., Frank, AO. and Chana, GS. (2007) ''. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 11 (5). pp. 595 - 597. ISSN: 1089-7771

Journal article

Johnson, R. and Kent, S. (2007) ''. Cognition, Technology and Work, 9 (4). pp. 209 - 218. ISSN: 1435-5558

Journal article

Kent, S. and Patel, N. (2006) ''. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 519 - 532. ISSN: 1748-5037

Journal article

Patel, N., Kent, S. and Rai, SS. (2004) ''. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 12 (4). pp. 279 - 286. ISSN: 1330-1136

Journal article

Juric, R., Kent, S., Kuljis, J. and Paul, RJ. (2004) 'Simulation education with web-based discrete event simulation models'.IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education. Innsbruck, AUSTRIA. ACTA PRESS. pp. 54 - 59.

Conference paper

Nyongesa, HO., Kent, S. and O'Keefe, RM. (2001) ''. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 16 (1). pp. 41 - 45. ISSN: 0885-8985

Journal article

Elliott, C., Kent, S., Hammond, P., Dracopoulos, D., Downer, MC. and Speight, PM. (1997) 'A comparison of artificial intelligence techniques for the identification of people at high risk of oral cancer.'. Journal of Dental Research, 76 (5). pp. 1053 - 1053. ISSN: 0022-0345

Journal article

Dracopoulos, DC. and Kent, S. (1997) ''. Neural Computing and Applications, 6 (4). pp. 214 - 228. ISSN: 0941-0643

Journal article