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Dr Lu Gan

Howell Building 224

Research area(s)

Dr. L. Gan’s main research interests are in fundamental signal processing theory and their application in multimedia signal processing, machine learning, wireless communications and radar.

Research Interests

Her current research focus include:

1) Fast compressive imaging for Infared and Terahertz imaging;

2) Super-resolution in non-destructive imaging; 

3) Deep learning for Terahertz imaging; 

4) Sparse antenna array; 

5) Sparse signal processing for 5G wireless communication systems

Research grants and projects


Solving the Big Data problem in Agriculture: Extracting Minimum Viable Datasets for Plant Detection and Crop Treatment
Funder: Innovate UK
Duration: September 2023 - September 2026

Working with world-leading partners, this project tackles this big data challenge head on. We will examine ways to significantly reduce the amount of data we need to collect, process and store, whilst still delivering a world-leading precision solution. T

Research links

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Similar research interests

Research group(s)

  • IEHS