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Sisters Uncut: intersectionality, feminism and social Activism

The Division of Social Work was delighted to host Dr. Aviah Sarah Day on 11 February 2020 as part of our seminar series.

Sisters uncut event presentationDr. Day spoke about her continuous involvement with services supporting women who experience domestic violence, as a social worker, volunteer, researcher as well as a social activist involved in the direct action group, Sisters Uncut. Dr. Day talked about how these different experiences enriched her understanding of the issue. Large part of the talk explored the strategies employed by Sisters Uncut including non-violent disobedience and the different campaigns the group engaged in, as part of their attempt to raise awareness to the crisis of funding faced by institutions supporting domestic violence victims.

You can and you can .

Reported by:

Dr. Yohai Hakak
+44 (0)1895 265844