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Dr Mohammad Swash
Lecturer in Digital Media

Howell Building 222

  • Digital Media

Research area(s)

  • Advanced 3D imaging Systems: holoscopic and multiview 3D displays, holoscopic 3D cameras, 3D image processing
  • 3D image reformatting
  • Advanced 3D computer graphics
  • Multiscopic and stereoscopic 3D systems
  • 3D visual engineering / 3D multimedia search and retrieval
  • 3D virtual reality / 3D augmented reality
  • 3D Interaction and interactive serious gaming design
  • human-computer interaction design
  • Medical image processing and visualisation
  • 2D/3D Computer vision

Research grants and projects

Research Projects


Internet of Radio-Light
Funder: European Commission
Duration: June 2017 - May 2020
IoRL: Internet of Radio Light
Funder: European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Duration: June 2017 - May 2020


Funder: Qatar National Research Funds
Duration: November 2016 - November 2019

3D Holoscopic Imaging and Big Data Analytics in the Cultural Heritage Domain

Project details

  • - EU Funded Project | Duration: 2010 – 2013: Investigated the generation of a novel true 3D video technology, based on mixed 3D Holoscopic video content capture and associated manipulation, and display technologies.
  • - EU Funded Project | Duration: 2007 – 2009: The overall aim of RUSHES is to design, implement, and validate through trial a system for indexing, accessing and delivering raw, unedited audio-visual footage, known as rushes.