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DAREED - Decision support advisor for innovative business models and user engagement for smart energy efficient districts

Funder: European Commission
Duration: September 2013 - August 2016


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Habin Lee Professor Habin Lee
Divisional Lead / Professor
T: +44 (0)1895 267414
E: habin.lee@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267414 habin.lee@brunel.ac.uk Eastern Gateway 202j


Sivarajah, U., Lee, H., Irani, Z., Rascazzo, R., Savino, N., Molendini, V., et al. (2015) 'Decision Support System for Fostering Smart Energy Efficient Districts'.Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems. Puerto Rico, USA. 15 - 15 August. 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2015.

Conference paper

lee, H., Sivarajah, U., Molnar, A., weerakkody, V. and irani, Z. (2015) ''. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 11 (2). pp. 35 - 50. ISSN: 1548-3886

Journal article

Sivarajah, U., Fragidis, G., Lombardi, M., Lee, H. and Irani, Z. (2015) 'The Use Of Social Media For Improving Energy Consumption Awareness And Efficiency: An Overview Of Existing Tools'.European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). Athens, Greece. 1 - 2 June. Proceedings of the 12th European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2015.

Conference paper